Comercio al por mayor de artículos de uso doméstico
Productos y servicios
Comercio al por mayor de libros.
Comercio al por mayor de otros artículos de uso doméstico
Comercio al por mayor no especializado
Comercio al por mayor de otros artículos de uso doméstico
Comercio al por mayor no especializado
Wholesale of other household goods
Non-specialised wholesale trade
This company is engaged in the distribution of reading materials such as textbooks, literary gift books, illustrated books, children's books, reference guides, cooking guides and travel guides. Founded in 1994, the company operates in partnership with McGraw Hill, Paraninfo and Uned. It conducts business from its registered head office which is strategically located in Leganes, Spain. The company offers books from leading publishers including: Addison Wesley Longman, National Geographic Society, Sanz Y Torres, Maxitusquets Random, Plataforma Barcelona, Penguin Readers, Esla Libros Activos, Fondo De Cultura Economica, Hispano Europea, Random House Internacional, Caballo de Troya and Le Livre De Poche. In addition, the company sells its products to a network of bookstores in Spain.